what size panniers would you recommend?
I've just bought a DL650 which are coming with a free set of givi panniers and top box which i intend to use next jan, trvelling through South America and beyond..
I'm supposed to receive a set of E41 panniers (41L each) and a E390 (39L) top box BUT I've just been told there seems to be a bit of a back log (funny that..) and so I could be waiting a few months.
I have been offered a set of E21 panniers (21L) with a E450 (45L) top box which would be available *soon*.
Question: I like the idea of having narrower panniers hanging off the bike but - will I have enough room??? (that's 34L less - 121 to 87)
I'm wondering what luggage carrying capacity others have?
Note: I am travelling solo for 6-8 months. I would rather travel light and skimp a bit rather than carry 'the kitchen sink'. I plan not to have things hanging off the bike... (other than the panniers...) and I haven't gone through the fun part of working out all the gear i need to take and having to cut it down to half... (yet).
I know you can get away with carrying next to no gear but, in reality, how much DO people take??