24v to 12c battery charger or 24v to 12v converter
Hi there,
we are currently in Nairobi and had a lot of charging problems of the auxiliary battery so we decided to redo the electrics in the car after 2 starter batteries died in the middle of the bush.
We have a 24V starter battery (2x 12V in series) and have several accessories running from a separate battery on 12V (very practical BTW when on the road). The auxiliary battery is charged via solar power and used to be charged via a converter (Mastervolt). The converter died and needs to be replaced. The question here is:
Is it better to use a 24V to 12V battery charger or can a regular 24V to 12V converter be used to charge the auxiliary battery? I am told that the output of the converter will not be able to handle the charging properly as it does not output 14.4V to charge the auxiliary battery properly. In case a converter can be used should it have a high amp fuse (30-40A) to avoid blowing the fuse all the time?
Looking forward to some decent advise and explanation as electrics is not my cup of tea.
Thanks in advance,
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