Bull bars and weight
I am preparing a landcruiser, which incidently I plan not to name, to take around the world, as in everywhere; Africa, India, China, you name it. I am wondering if the weight of a bull bar is justified.
The car is an 80 series and comes with a fairly light weight but solidish slightly bendy plastic bumper. I figure that if knocked by anything substantial it would buckle and break. Do I need to worry about that?
An ARB winch bull bar I am told weighs about 50kg although I can not find the weight on the ARB web site. Do I really want to carry round the world something that weighs as much as a small person if the only advantage is that in a small crash it will save the paint work?
Would I not be better off in terms of handling and steering in doing without?
Would it not be better to risk a bit of light body damage without a bull bar versis the possibilitly of twisting the chasis if the bull bar take a hard impact?
Money aside what is the best option?
All thoughts much apreciated