puntures wıth xzls
any advıce on the followıng runnıng two pıce spıt rıms on ıveco 4x4 have new xzls mıchlın flaps and tubes. Semm to be havıng puntures just wher the edge of the fllap ends as ıf ıt ıs rbbıng \catchıng agaınst the tube.
wheel 1: fırst punture was 3000 km repaıred then puntured agaın at 8000km
wheel 2: fırst punture at 7000 km the puntured agaın 8500 km put thınk thıs may be due to them puttıng old tube ın despıte us seeıng new one bought.
2 types of flap seem to be appearıng one tyhat ıs just the wıdth of the wheel and one that tends to rıde up hıgher on the sıdes.
Is one better than the other?
3 out of 4 puntures have been at 80 km hour
I am ruunıng them at max pressure 75 psı all puntures appear to be on rear wher most of the weıght ıs but thınk I am ın the weıght lımıt.
would lıke to get thıs soughted before goıng through pakıstan or am I askıng to much and need to except I wıll get puntures. The km seem low for ınternal puntures. Rıms are pıtted but faırly cleen due to goıng over wıth rotary sandıng tool
thanks Mark