Originally Posted by Tim_A
Hi Moggy - yep, but I may be able to lay my hands on an earlier, unused Sprinter which is I believe Euro 3. Alternatively I'm looking at using a petrol engine 2011 chassis, also barely used (little more than delivery mileage).which I can currently buy at half price - because it's petrol. But I figure what I spend extra on the fuel I can make up for in ease of use and anyway, I'll have paid for the first year's difference with what I save on the chassis.
deffo the way to go
Fit good underbody clearance and I reckon you'll be fine. According to my 1980s book on crossing the sahara one of the finest vehicles for doing it in was a VW combi, and they don't have great ground clearance.
As you say, you won't be doing balls out off roading so I reckon you'll be fine. You've got plenty of experience and that combined with a bit of mechanical sympathy goes a lot further than an idiot with 2 feet under his portal axles!
I love the potential of that 6x6 for an expedition motorhome, but I would worry about spares availability for the drivetrain and suspension, and it's complexity.
Have you looked at the Iveco 4x4, thats a nice looking bit of kit
1990 Landcruiser H60. Full rebuild completed 2014