What equipment to buy when selling the car in Mali?
In January I join the Budapest Bamako 2009. When we arrive in Bamako (Mali) we are planning to sell our car and then we will have a problem with all the expensive equipment. We probably have to sell or give away most of it. That is why I am a bit confused what to buy now before the rally. Do I really have to buy all top quality?
1. We need a compressor and when I read in the Sahara Overland I get the impression you have to have a really professional (and expensive) one. We have a Lada Niva and will drive quite a lot in sand. Can we manage this using e.g the Airstation Black & Decker or which one do you reccomend? Where can we buy affordable compressors?
2. High Lift Jack - I suppose we need one of these since the race will have some though stages. What do you think about buying the Farm Jack instead of the HiLift Jack. The Farm Jack is about half the price of the later, but is supposed to be less quality...?
Do you have any ideas what to do with all the equipment when leaving the car in Mali?
Off course things like CB-Radio, GPS and Satelite-phone we bring back home on the plane.
greetings from Knut
Fjord Riders --- Budapest - Bamako 2009