Lada's are good - they just have a bit of an image problem so are an easy target for people who think they know something about them. The Samara is probably your best bet - the engine is designed by Porche and the gearbox is bullet proof - plus they are very easy to work on and spare parts are seriously cheap. There is also the very popular 4x4 Niva. Strong cars, but the drive-train has been known for problems unless they are properly lined up and maintained. Heavy on fuel too, whereas the Samara you'll get 40 plus easy.
I think Ladas also have one of the highest success rates (if not the highest) of completing the Bamako and Mongolian rallies. And if I can make another suggestion - it's travel light. There will be three of you plus spares. Most of these rally breakdowns are the direct cause of overloading - overheating and suspension failures.
I've pm'd a link if you want to explore things further. Good luck with what ever you do.
I've a feeling I'm not in Kansas anymore.
Last edited by teflon; 15 Aug 2009 at 17:14.