Last year I did it in an evening + 1 day. I think we got off the ferry about 8pm, rode a couple hours (Reims I think?), then set off the next day a bit after noon for about a 500 mile slog to Lake Como. Got there early evening, obviously with breaks for food, petrol stops etc. etc.
On a bike, I would never do that again if I could avoid it, but we had to pick a piece of the trip to cover some ground fast, and that was it.
Can't help you on the tolls bit, we were covering ground, so took wherever the GPS told us
If you are in a car, obviously a lot quicker is possible as you can get away with fewer stops for fuel etc. You could probably do it in a very long day if you got off the ferry early enough. On a bike I personally wouldn't even try to go that far though, must be 650 miles at least.