Hi Alex,
It's a lot to do if you have time constraints, and you'll spend most of your time on the bike, which might not be comfortable for both of you, and adverse weather will significantly slow your progress. Please take into consideration the current political climate and thousands of people on the move across the countries where you are travelling, there will be inevitable delays, and you might not find it easy. You only have to look at the news to understand that border crossings may be more difficult than expected, esp Hungary.
This is your first big trip and you might want to get out of your comfort zone a bit, but think about future travels together. If it's not a good experience it might put you off, and for the inexperienced traveller doing too much too quickly, could put you into difficult and perhaps dangerous situations, like travelling too late into the afternoon and not finding anywhere to camp, getting tired in unfamiliar surroundings, poor road conditions etc.. And don't forget your other half!
If I was considering doing this trip, I'd only plan as far as the next country, and see where it gets me, and as I avoid time constraints and schedules to keep to, it's my way of travelling safe & stress free.
-''It is better to walk alone than with a crowd going in the wrong direction''. ( Herman Siu)
-'' Live life then give life '' ( www.lltgl.org.uk)