I think Formula 1s are the cheapest chain in France, although the lack of en-suite is a drawback. As you pay for the room rather than per person they are better value for a family. Accomodation is usually cheap, cheerful and clean. The Banzai chain is also cheap and cheerful and does have ensuite - they seem to be used a lot by blue collar workers away from home. None of the formula ones or Banzai's I've seen have secure parking. If you take a little more trouble and look for the local chambre d'hotes they will almost certainly be cheaper and more likely to have secure parking.
I stayed in a chateau once while I was working in France (found it in www.sawdays.co.uk) They charged less than a formula one, gave me breakfast and I got to keep my bike in the old servants kitchen!
[This message has been edited by harleyrider (edited 08 February 2006).]
If you think you are too small to make a difference you have never spent the night with a mosquito.