Hello~! I have a plan to travel around Europe!
I'm a Korean traveler! 27years old! Now I'm traveling around the world!!
I'm writing a book about people during this travel.
it's been 1 year and I traveled Toronto Canada to Brazil, Africa not with motorcycle.. but bicycle and bus~ and now I'm in UK!
I have a plan to travel around Europe by motorcycle this fall and winter!
(UK, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Poland, Lituania, Latvia, Estonia, BElarus, Ukraine, Moldovam Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, albania, Croatia, Slovenia, Italy, Spain, Portugal)
yes.. all most every country in Europe.
so!! I need your help!
I'd like to hire motorcycle for 3month! but unfortunately my budget is so.. tight.
if you don't use your bike Aug~Dec could you borrow me or sell??
this is my blog~
and Facebook
ps. I'm pretty good at riding a motorcycle.
Last edited by ganzitraveler; 3 Jul 2013 at 11:30.