If I bring my motorcycle to Spain, can I leave the country for awhile without it?
I need to take my motorcycle to Spain to store at a friend's house for a few months. I will be entering Spain by ferry from Morocco. I will be buying a car in Spain and taking it to Mauritania (by ferry to Morocco, then driving to Mauritania) for vacation for a few months, then selling it in Mauritania and returning to Spain by plane. I will then get my motorcycle out of storage and take a ferry to Algeria, with my motorcycle.
I am worried that I will not be able to leave Spain without the motorcycle, when I try to leave by car. I left my motorcycle with a friend in Morocco once and the customs agents at the Casablanca airport told me I could not leave the country without my motorcycle.
Does Spain have the same policy? If so, what is the best way around it?
Thank you.
Last edited by monkii; 2 Jan 2008 at 10:00.