Do you still have your policy book from Bennetts?
In it you can find a list of the 'territorial limits' or something they call it - but there is a full list of the countries an agreement has been reached with as far as your insurance cover goes. Turkey and Norway are not part of the EU, but I am sure they are covered, for example.
Remember though, that often ( again, you need to read the booklet to see what paragraphs are relevant to you ) your cover will only be basic third party/liability cover when you leave Britain.
This is why no green cards are issued - the cops know that a UK policy meets the minimum local requirements by law.
However, if you do have comprehensive cover and wish it to extend to your trip, you can normally do so - at a price.
If you cannot find your book, I can check mine - or an e-mail to Bennetts should clear it for you. If Croatia falls into these territorial limits, you will have at the very least third party cover.
Hope someone else knows about buying locally, if need be.