Italy, Greece, Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania....
Firstly my apologies - I haven't posted for a while as work commitments have, as ever, taken precident over my travelling activities
About 18 months ago I started to plan a trip to Syria from the UK. Down through Italy, Greece, Turkey and on into Syria.
Recent, er 'developments' have made this trip unfeasable......
So plan B is to get as far as Turkey, and then head back through Bulgaria, Romania (friends there) and then head home again via Hungary.
My insurers - ebike - don't offer cover in Turkey, Bulgaria & Romania. Can I buy insurance at the borders of these countries??
I have endeavoured to my own research, but am currently at work on the North Sea, where time and Internet access are both fairly limited!!
I shall be travelling on a '07 GS ADV, solo, and doing some camping along the way.
Some advice regarding insurance, Visa's, etc much appreciated,
Many thanks,