word to the wise.
buying a bike outside of portugal and trying to then register it in portugal if you have not owned it for 12 months previously will incur HUGE import costs here.
There are also many hoops to jump thru to get a bike imported into portugal, even if you have owned it for 12 months. e.g. you will have to undergo a noise test for the bike even if it does have eu noise markings on the exhaust- prob the only place in the world where you do..In Portugal the gov abides by EU legislation only if it is to thier benefit!
it is an expensive and time consuming process.I hope your grasp of Portuguese is good also - you will need it.
There is a reason bikes are so expensive here, because of the high import rates and they make sure there is no cheap or easy way to get round this.
You could consider just using it with the original plates on and may get away with it for a while but as many expats have discovered using that path you could end up without your bike and a big fine..
If you intend to live here buy a local bike and support local industry - they certainly need it.You might not get the latest gs tank but shop around and you'll find some reasonable stuff.