Need a garage for motorbike in Bern
I’m working in Switzerland in city of Bern on a contract until mid-summer.
I’m planning to bring my bike here in end of April, and I'm starting to look for a garage
My apartment is in the middle of Bern “Innere stadt” and it does not have a parking hall or backyard where to keep the bike.
My question is:
Does anyone know what is the best option for me to find a good parking in that area? I wish it would not be far away from where I live, so I can walk there.
Okay, I can leave it on the street because its free in front of the apartment. But I prefer to have it inside or out of sight.
My plan is to ask around a bit, starting from here and from bikers I meet in Bern.
Or maybe a nice hotel manager can fix something not too expensive.
But Let’s start from this forum