Parking in Porto
Hello, have an interesting trip so far, been to Picos, Galicia and now am in Porto. The problem is the place I am staying doesn't have secure overnight parking. I have an almax chain with me but the problem is it's only a 1m chain so to tie it to any of the lamp-posts I'll either have to have half the bike up the pavement (which doesn't sound like a good idea) or the whole bike on the pavement. The chain just doesn't stretch enough from the roadside lamp-post to the road. Are there any problems with parking on the pavement as long as you are not obstructing pedestrians? Am looking now online for any solutions but thought I would ask here?? I'm staying at Rua de Santa Catarina, 830. If anyone can suggest anything, it would be appreciated. Unfortunately the owners of this hostel speak little to no English so I can't get any suggestions out of them.