Reflecting Helmet Stickers are required by visiting motocyclists in France
Some time ago ( 2000) the UN directive for the homologation of helmets was signed to an agreed spec by all nations. Annexed to this was a voluntary requirement to attach reflecting stickers to the helmet. France was the only country to sign up to this, but it is mandated in France that all helmets must carry these stickers, and that any helmet not carrying them is considered NOT homologated.
There have been some concerned questions about whether this law effects visiting riders, so in my capacity as legal moderator on a French based English speaking biker forum, I asked the question to the FFMC ( Federation Francaise de Motards en Colere). Their legal co-ordinator wrote back to me yesterday to confirm that France does apply this law to all riders in and visiting France, although to their knowledge no visiting rider has yet been cautioned or fined.
The reason this is relevant now is that since the scrapping of the retro reflective material law at the beginning of the year, the Parisian Gendarmerie have been very active with the Helmet homologation requirements, and helmets not considered correct ( ie without stickers) can get you a €135 on the spot fine.
This is a link to the recent reminder by the FFMC (in French) about the law, and it also gives the detail of the required size of reflective stickers.
-''It is better to walk alone than with a crowd going in the wrong direction''. ( Herman Siu)
-'' Live life then give life '' (