Macedonia to Albania
Did this road in August 2011 on a 1994 BMW R 80RT two up. To the best of my recollection the road here is tarmac. As I recall it was a section of road, perhaps 20 - 30 miles after Tehranah, up towards the border with Montenegro that was still under construction. No problems with a GS.
We came up from Greece to visit Lake Ohrid. Northern Greece was very mountainous, with tunnels many miles long. We booked a hotel in Ohrid for one night, but it was such a wonderful place that we stayed for four days. Also worthy of note was that since leaving England two weeks before, we had seen few UK registered cars and none at all since arriving in Greece via the ferry from Ancona in Italy. When we got to Tehranah we saw scores of big, new Mercs and BMWs, all UK registered cars. We assumed that this was the new Costas, but were puzzled by the scruffy, swarthy characters driving them. We got chatting to a couple from Poland, outside of a bar/cafe. They explained that they were all stolen!
Near the borders there are hundreds of "mushroom" bunkers, from the communist days. Never had any trouble. Did not dare use the credit card for petrol - used Euros.
Followed the coast road all the way up to Venice. Hotels in the former Yugoslavia may be an issue. After leaving Ohrid town we stayed one night in a hotel somewhere in Montenegro, then the next sleep we had was in Italy.