Actually I have quite suitable camping gear, so wouldn´t need to buy. I did many tours in Europe with the tent in the past, but not so much anymore (ok I admit, just getting older, and grown a bit tired of putting up & dismantling the camp every day!!)
Another problem (for me) is, the tent alone isn´t enough, we would need sleeping bags, and probably the mattresses also to sleep comfortably - and for 2 people. That is a minimum of 5 items. Combined they will eat up a lot of space.
And regarding this trip: if going south on September, and returning on October, nighttime weather especially north of the Alps is probably getting quite chilly. Can easily drop to minus in Celsius. So we could probably comfortably use the tent only in the Mediterranean. But I´m confident, that that is also a region, where we´ll also be able to find accommodation at reasonable prices, especially because the high season will be gone, but most of the places will still be open. I know it´ll cost more than sleeping in a tent, though. And will depend a lot on the area, and also on us, to do a little work in order to find the cheaper options to stay in.
If it was a 100% summertime/warm weather trip, then I´d much more likely take the camping gear.
BTW, anyone know, if for example in Germany, France or Italy they´d have anything similar as the "Travel Coupon Guide"-leaflet in the US, which listed mostly motels offering special prices (often considerably lower than their list prices) by showing the coupon? May be the whole accommodation thing is a bit different here, not so many motels, etc., but just asking, if anyone has lately run into something like this in Europe?