Current news..
Erzurum horasan part of E80 road is just closed..Sept.6 oo.55 am. after 4 cars have been put on fire...Operations started...
Never take the roads heading to kars or passing through kars.
from blacksea coast line,gümüşhane,bayburt,erzurum line recommended to get to gürbulak gate..keep staying with army check points to continue with escorts..never be on the road in early morning and in dark..If you are stopped by fake pkk check points, stop and say you are tourist and never try to run away...They are after trucks and military personel on the road.. Erzurum is safe to keep waiting if needed..Other bordergates to Iran are all closed..only bezirgan -gürbulak works...If anyone wants to keep staying in trabzon,ı can recommend my friend Sedat and university campus across the airport.. He can recommend the best for the area....
""""06 Eylül 2015 - 00:55 Kars Haberleri » Haber
Kars’ın Sarıkamış ilçesinde PKK’lı teröristler, Karakurt-horasan-Erzurum karayolunu ulaşıma kapatarak 1 otobüs ve 3 kamyonu ateşe verdi.
Edinilen bilgilere göre, Sarıkamış-Karakurt-Horasan-Erzurum karayolunda yol kesen PKK’lı teröristler, yolu trafiğe kapatıp durdurdukları 1 otobüs ve 3 kamyonu ateşe verdi.
Öte yandan, Kars-Sarıkamış-Karakurt-Horasan-Erzurum karayolu güvenlik gerekçesiyle trafiğe""""""""
"""""Ağrı Dağı ve Tendürek Dağı Geçici Güvenlik Bölgesi İlan Edildi
04 Eylül 2015 Cuma 01:13
Ağrı Valiliği; Ağrı Dağı ve Tendürek Dağı’nın askeri operasyonlar dolayısıyla özel geçici güvenlik bölgesi ilan edildiğini duyurdu.""""""
****On the other side mount ararat and tendürek is announced as nonsecure areas for military operations between 4 and 19 sept. by the mayor of ağrı.
Georgia,armenia,iran also is an option if you will not be meeting the iranian escort.gate visa available for most citizens for georgia and armenia...No insurance for georgia and short term 8-15 usd. for armenia...
Unlucky days..Good luck all and I wish road angels be with you..