TransPortugal 2015 (NE - SW) - Ferry Options
Hi All,
Apologies, it's been quite a while since I posted last..... Life seems have gotten in the way
Anywhoos - The plan is to ride the TransPortugal Trail next year (North - South) in Late April/May time, meeting the Wife in Albufeira for a weekend around the pool mid way, then back on the Horse back home to the UK (Reverse route following the trail)
The difficulty I'm having is with work - I can either attempt to rush the trail in 10 days OR, really take my time and do it in 17 days.
This is being dictated by the Ferry times from Portsmouth - Santander.:confused1:
My question is: Does anyone know of any Ferry operators who operate these routes other than the major guys (Brittany, LD Lines etc) who may be more flexible? or am I just going to have to beg work for the extra time off?
Thanks in advance to all,
"There are no Foreign Lands, It is the Traveller only who is Foreign" - Robert Louis Stevenson