Its difficult to find real camping in Ukraine, because all camp sites became as hotels/motels or areas for living cottages. Last year when we travelled and this year we placed our tents in forest/mountains or somewhere in fields...
Like there:

or here (on the cost of the sea of Azov) :
In Carpathian region probably you could find cheap camps with wooden houses - last year we paid about 2-3 usd for a bed (wc and shower outside house) or you could find some "sanatorium" priced ~10usd for one person. Best way to find cheap accommodation is to ask local bikers.
When we entered to Russia from Ukr side via Kerch by ferry, on first militia road post we were asked for driving licenses on Russian language  or you "should" have translation from your to russian language of your license (doesnt matter that they are international  ) So this is bull shit, they dont have to ask for a translation - they just trying to get money from you. And try to avoid Dagestan region near Astrakhan - high risk of kidnaping and terrorism.
Originally Posted by kebabtomten
I am currently in Krakow heading east to kazahkstan. I cannot enter russia before the 12th July so Ill have to kill some time in poland and Ukrain.
Now I have a few campsite coordinates in Ukrain but , if its cheap i would like to stay a couple of days on a comfy bed as a treat.
I am in a very nice campsite in krakow Camping Smok about 4km outside, I will stay here for a couple of days to rest.
If anyone have good hotel recomendation with secure parking available please let me know. Which border should I exit from to Russia i am heading To astrakan and thire seems to be quite a few crossing that way.
