So which crossing did you use?
I just crossed with the family in the car at Obruch, which was easy and would be the normal crossing point.
But we did plan to cross at Vilcha, as it is on the map as a border post (but limited, white not red).
Vilcha is in the fabled Wolves Land.
We went to Ivankiv and then towards Chernobyl, as far as we could get without a permit (160 USD p/p). They turned us back, and then we took the small roads through wolves land seeing some of the neatest villages I have ever seen, some deserted, others populated, even with small children playing in the street.
But even as the roads disappeared, there would be a military checkpoint turning us back.
Boy were they surprised to see us!
To my surprise they had no objections against us trying to find the way to Vilcha.
Now we couldn't get further north and kept being pushed west, until we reached P-02 at Chervona Zirka, where we bought some food.
We then continued north, but at Poliskie checkpoint they told us Vilcha was closed and we had to turn back and take the long road to Obruch (an extra 150 kms).
Then he said PREZENTI! and I gave him a cigar and on we went.
Poliski is like Pripyat, a deserted city. Took some pics and went on.
At Vilcha, another checkpoint, and big radiak warning signs.
Would they let us through? Oh yes. Two cigars was all it took to come into Wolves Land.
We overnighted in the Forbidden Zone, camping in the forest.
Tried the back road towards Vilcha, which is also an abandoned city, but didn't go all the way since I had ran out of cigars and we didn't want to push our luck again.
In the early morning we went on to Obruch and it was a very easy crossing.
All in all we spent 14 hours with the Wolves.
I'll write another post with some pics.
Has noone on the HUBB visited Wolves Land?
KIDDofSPEED - GHOST TOWN - Chernobyl Pictures - Kidofspeed - Elena