English biker fatal accident A77 in the Nièvre, France 29 September 2012
Good Afternoon,
On Saturday the 29th September 2012, at 16h05, on the A77 between La Charité-sur-Loire and Nevers just before the Pougeux-les-Eaux off ramp, travelling south from Paris - Provence(Niévre, Burgundy, France) an English motorcyclist was fatally injured.
From the report it is believed that the motorcyclist -41- fell on his own, no other vehicule was involved in the accident.
He was travelling with 3 other English riders. One had side boxes and topcase.
www.lejdc.fr - Val de Loire - CHAULGNES (58400) - Un motard anglais décède sur l'A77
I rode past there in the other direction at 16h30. Pompier were there, and the Gendarmerie were on their way to make an official statement of the fatal accident.
I feel I had to share, no one else to share with really.
Rest In Peace, fellow motorcyclist, the region I live in will remember your passage. The motorcycling community of this area is very strong. Peace.