Iveco 40.10 4wd suitable as tow vehicle?
Hi from Australia,
We have the opportunity to buy one of these high top vans - 1991, 102,000 kms, godd condition overall and rare in Australia. Our plan is to carry our Kawasaki KLE500 in the back, plus tow our 2 tonne caravan. This way we can leave the caravan at different places and go off in the Iveco and bike to the more offroad / out-of-the-way destinations. Is the Iveco a good vehicle to tow/carry our bike and camping stuff? Will the short wheel base make for a rocky ride when towing a caravan?
Also, the Iveco has a snorkel with the intake facing backwards right beside the drivers window (very noisy). Can this be altered/extended away from the window?
Any other Iveco info we need to be aware of? Problems, etc?
All advice and experience from others very welcome, before we take the plunge.
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