Iveco 4x4 - clutch ? - HELP !
Hello all
Having had a nasty noise coming from 'clutch area' I realise that my 'thrust bearing' / 'collar bearing' has failed.
Currently I am motionless (in mexico !) as the circlip which holds this collar in place and consequently connected to the clutch pedal, this circlip has snapped.
Thus no clutch.
Have ordered a 'clutch kit' from Dan at Iveco Parts and Spares Dealer who not only had it in stock but price is good and he's also willing to ship direct via DHL. All very handy !
Though it's only the thrust bearing that's failed it does seem logical to replace the clutch aswell while the gearbox is out.
As far as I know the clutch is the original and I'm now at about 140,ooo kms.
QUESTION : this circlip i mention is accessed from below gearbox through a rather tight view hole, looks very tricky to me but has to be removed and replaced via this.
Anybody out there had any direct experience of changing the clutch on one of these ?
Anything I need to watch out for?
How tough a task?
how tricky is this circlip going to be ? any hints ?
Last edited by Phil Flanagan; 31 Oct 2009 at 21:17.