Hi guys greetings from Ireland,
Firstly...Im new to the forum and wish to say "nice one" to you all for posting and helping...
Secondly my Africa twin RD07 is acting up...still...after changing corroded connector.
The problem: bike cutting out after about 500 yards on
initial start up.
This always happens shortly after 1st start up. Then once started for a 2nd time its gone, until I stop and turn off the engine and start again.....
So thats on/ go 500 mts cuts out/ on doesnt cut/ stop....start up again / cuts out /on/ keeps going....etc...
Previously I had blown bulbs, fuse melted (under L.H.S panel) and batteries failing, power drain while driving (ie lack of HP) etc... I havent seen this, as yet, happening again
I read up on the links and fixed the most common cause/mentioned...
the connector of the three yellow wires from the Generator...
Yes they were blackened and a tad corroded so I cut of the plastic Honda connector, and connected cables with a screw down connector....(electrican's type)....since then the cutting out problem is happening....but power's back somewhat and as yet no bulbs blown...or battery fried...
Bike runs a bit better since new connectors fitted.... but still not perfect....
As mentioned the Main fuse's plastic housing was partially melted caused bike not to start until replaced. That unit, not in great nik , (under L.H.S. panel, the one with the red plug connector with HT lead to the battery) prompted my checking all the electrics on the bike.
Maybe I should mention that the fuel pump was changed before I bought bike over a year ago and did maybe a few thousand on it. But I can still hear it clicking in and out quite often.
It seems like this is a fuel problem now, not electrical. But I may be mistaken! Maybe dirt in the carbs? or pump malfunction again?...
Ok, too much info, but better to have it than to be looking for it...as I learned in the trade.
Any help on this is greatly appreciated... thank you all in advance for any comments....

(the proverbial 3).