Africa Twin spare parts and servicing
Will be taking a short break in Colombia from my Central and South American tour soon to return to the UK for 6 weeks. Was wondering what I might need to buy in the way of spare parts while I am home.
The bike currently has 28000 miles after adding 12000 in the last 4 months. Will be needing a proper service soon after only replacing the oil after every 6000 miles.
Anyone got any words of wisdom via the crystal ball of experience for me? How long does the chain and sprocket last normally?
What about the dreaded fuel pump?
Bit upset about the short life of a set of Michelin Siracs purchased en route in San Diego. 6000 miles is not very convenient when the Trailwings give 10K. Where can I get good tyres in Central America?
Any help much appreciated. I figure on at least another 25000 miles before I am done.
Cheers, Matt