Electrics issue: Could be starter motor?
Hello all,
BIKE: 1995 Honda Africa Twin XRV 750.
Bit of an odd one this.
Two days ago, I tried using the electric starter. As soon as I did, all the ignition lights went out. All power seemed to be down.
Whilst pushing it back to a place to store, I noticed the ignition lights came back on. Again, I tried the electric start. Exactly the same thing happened.
Kept pushing for a while, then the lights came back on. This time I decided to bump start. All ran fine.
Since then, any time I push the electric starter, it knocks out all the power.
Since then, I've:
- Checked all fuses
- Checked battery power (and that it's charging when the motor is running)
- Checked all exposed contacts
- 'Jiggled' all wiring that goes into any socket.
None of this affected the ignition lights.
I spoke to a friend. He thought it could be something to do with the brushes in the starter motor? Has anyone experienced this problem before?
Any ideas welcome!!
Thank you for reading.
\'If it happens, it must be possible!\'
Last edited by mattoneill; 7 Aug 2006 at 16:41.