Arrived in new delihi, 03 AT wont start
Anyone know where I can find a mechanic in New Delhi? Any thoughts on what's up with the bike?
I rode my newly acquired '03 AT through two problem free months in Laos and Cambodia. Before I bought it, the fuel pump had been recently replaced with a top end one, however it always made a loud ticking sound even after the engine had been shut off.
On the way to crate the bike for shipping BKK to India, it died several times at low idle on the way to the warehouse, which didn't supprise me much as it often puttered out at idle and I was on running on fumes.
The bike arrived in New Delhi, started up well. I reassembled some things (handlebars, front wheel, rear rack, recconect battery (which is doing fine)) start it up once or twice for the crowd, put on my riding gear, and finally pull out of customs after 2 all day encounters with customs. I rode 100M before it quit and wouldn't start again. I push it to a petrol station, and find I had plenty of fuel already in the tank, which I guess I flew with; oops.
The fuel line is open. I fiddled with the choke to some initial semi-success, but never got a start to hold. The clicking sound the fuel pump used to make can no longer be heard :-/.
Thoughts? Know a good mechanic in New Delhi?
Thanks ,