I am truying to think;
Bad compression:
1 Burned valves
2 Piston rings
3 blown gasket
Most likely nr.1 if nr 2 your engine would smoke a lot when firing up.Nr 3 oil leak.
Engine in TDC. Take of the head. Take out the valves. Regrind the valve "head" (not shoure this is the right word) with valve grinding paste. Make sure you have an nice even surface on the whole valve.
Put on the head make sure you set the timing chain correct, if not valve damage and los of compression.(count chain links several times)
Adjust the valve clearance. Ad some oil ond the cam and rocker arm.
Engine back in frame
Check valve clearance again (just to be sure)
You do not need to bother with the decompression system when you put things together. Do not atach the decompression cables(manuel and kick opperated)
Start the engine with the electric start.
I can not remmember if you need a special tool to put the timing chain on???
Take a cup of tea and check all operation several times.
Hopefylly this would cure the problem, if you whant put the kickstarter opperated decompression cable back on place make sure you have enough free play.
Good luck
Frode 86`XLM