Honda Facon (XR400) Timing Chain life?
Honda Facon (XR400) Timing Chain life?
I am traveling in Peru on a Brazilian made Honda Falcon that is based on an xr400 motor. It has 23000 km. The bike had been stored for 9 months. One mechanic told me that he thought my timing needs replacing and that he could hear it. I heard nothing different, but I hadnt ridden for a long time so I have not been listening everyday.
Yersterday, it did have an odd rattle when cold for awhile. Do you think a timing chain could wear so fast? What is the normal life span for a timing chain?
India Himal, 3mo,2x; Kazak/Krygyz/Tajik, 3 mo; Kashi-Lhasa, China 219! 6 wk; Nepal, 4 days/trekked 55; Santiago-Ushuia-Cusco, 7 mo; Peru, 3 mo; Chile-Medellin 3 mo; Medillin-Arica, 3 mo