How long can a bike "sit"?
My Honda Falcon 400cc enduro is stored in the Garage of a friends hotel in Arica Chile. It has been there 10 months. I am considering leaving it to sit for another year. Arica is on the Coast and in the desert. The hotel is probaly 1 mile from the Pacific. The climate there is desert with nearly no rain ever (0.03 inches). That said, it does get foggy and humid on a fairly regular basis with humidity averaging 75%. The battery is disconnected and the tank nearly dry and shut with all gas run out of the motor. I had no time to put oil in the cylinder.
It has been stored this way in Peru, Iquque Chile and Colombia each time for 9.5 months with little ill effects.
I know this is not a question with a definitive answer, but I would like to no how much more problems I am asking for if I let it sit like this a year longer? 2 years?
India Himal, 3mo,2x; Kazak/Krygyz/Tajik, 3 mo; Kashi-Lhasa, China 219! 6 wk; Nepal, 4 days/trekked 55; Santiago-Ushuia-Cusco, 7 mo; Peru, 3 mo; Chile-Medellin 3 mo; Medillin-Arica, 3 mo