New rear tire: Now handling problem--advice please??
I´m down in Tierra del Fuego and just bought a new rear tire. I am on a Honda NX 400 falcon which comes stock with pirelli 120 - 90- 17´s. It is based on a Honda xr 400 motor and is made in Brazil. It´s an adventure touring style enduro. The bike is fully loaded.
In Ushuia managed to locate a Duro 4.60 - 17. It has 3 ply tread and 2 ply sidewalls. It was maybe 3/4 to 1/2 shorter and a tad narrower than the Pirelli. It has quite agressive tread, but not quite a full knobby. I had it mounted and it seemed fine, but today after crossing the mountains, I find that the front end becomes very light feeling and wants to speed wobble starting between 90-100 kph. Comes on very slowly, but get`s quite scarry over 100 kph, especially with the ever present cross winds.
Would you think this is being caused by the tire?
What solutions could I pursue w/o buying a new tire?
I had a little of the same trouble at first when fully loaded at around 110 kph with the stock Pirelli. I adjusted the rear shock to 3/4 stiff and it seemed to greatly the problem. Should I try to tighten it some more?
Is it possible that it`s unidirectional tread and it was mounted backwards? It had no arrows on the sidewall.
Will I have to buy a new tire? Could something else be causing this?
I don´t have many options for redistributing my load and she`s quite tail heavy?
Suggestions? Advice?
India Himal, 3mo,2x; Kazak/Krygyz/Tajik, 3 mo; Kashi-Lhasa, China 219! 6 wk; Nepal, 4 days/trekked 55; Santiago-Ushuia-Cusco, 7 mo; Peru, 3 mo; Chile-Medellin 3 mo; Medillin-Arica, 3 mo
Last edited by glasswave; 1 May 2008 at 01:34.