no worries orrin
i got a dip stick gauge in my dominator and am pleased with it.
it is an almost unbreakable engine if your oil level is good, check it every day. but you can only check it when it is warm, make sure you check it always the same way. many say it has to stand upright but i do it on the side stand, i know what i should see that way. if you are running on to little oil the center bearing of the camshaft will wear in the cilinderhead costing big bucks, well 150 euro i think, to ficks.
i can't remember if the lm also has an kick start but you could fit one easyly from a xl600r.
these engines are "dry sump" so the oil is stored elswhere. most commen is to fit the oil cooler in the return oil pipe (the metal one leading from the front botom of the engine al the way up along the frame to the .. what was it cold..don't remember but you will reconize it.
i know someone who has it that way and it is still running strong after more than 100.000km. i'm biulding it in mine with a termostate.
basicly it is the same engine as used in the fmx650 today with some upgrades here and there. and that wil fit in the lm frame.
I’m not afraid to go fast, it’s the crash and burn part that sucks.