I've got a Tranny, XL650V -00, that has done 93205 miles (150 000 km).
The things that I noticed are:
-Pretty poor front suspension, it bottoms out. I upgraded to progressive and it was fine.
-The gearings is bad. It starts to consume fuel when it's revved. Change the sprockets/gearing and it gets better and the ride is more pleasant.
-Fuel consumption. Keep it under 4500 rpm and it's ok. Above that and it's not.
Mechanically it's really good. Changed the waterpump for the first time a week ago. But other then that it's just ordinary maintenance.
One thing about maintenance, you have to strip down a big part of the bike to do it. When you done it a couple of times you can do it fairly quickly.
One more important thing, when you change sparkplugs you have to have the Honda tool. There are 4 spark plugs, 2 easy ones and 2 hidden inside the engine. The later two you need Honda own tool to get to. The hidden spark plugs tend to be "forgotten" because of this.
Valve adjustment is easy, nuts and not shims.