XR650L Acerbis 22L tank woes
Hey Guys,
Just wanted to spread a little info about some problems I've been having with my XR650L related to the Acerbis 22L tank. This may help revent some pretty troublesome events for those with this setup.
I've had trouble with the tank shaking loose, even with Loctite on the bolts that hold the steel brackets to the tank, which are the ones that keep coming loose. This weekend they shook loose while I was riding pretty aggressively on some rather rough terrain.
When one side shook loose, it let the tank shake around enough that it broke the frame tab on the opposite side, allowing the tank to bounce around, which then bumped into the rectifier and broke the tabs on the frame that hold it in place, letting the rectifier bounce around.
Needless to say, I would recommend that anyone with this tank who rides agressively should look into having the bracing system heavily reinforced.
The unfortunate part was that my brother was machining a newer bracket that should have held the tank on more firmly and would probably have avoided this.
Picutres of the carnage here:
click on 'fuel tank'
Wright Bagwell