XR650L Parts / Advice Wanted
I'm on the lookput for a standard headlight cowling for an XR650L 2002. I don't think it's the same as other XR's. There is a pic of it here:
http://houseofmotorcycles.bikebandit...d=2&model_dept _year=2002&model_dept_mfr=Honda&model_dept_id=3751 47&model_dept_name=XR650L
Anyone have one to sell or know where I can perhaps get a pattern one?
Also after a decent taillight that will pass an MOT i.e. incorporates number plate light. I'd rather not have the standard one because it's just soooo ugly :-) Anyone tried an Acerbis DOT approved one?
Finally, what's the verdict on disc / fork / frame guards. Good idea or waste of money?
Thanks Andy.