Originally Posted by shanekfalcon
Hi all, I'll be there.
BTW, that weekend is ANZAC Day Weekend in Australia, when we take time to remember those who have given their all to protect Australia. There will be a number of services around the place. For those interested, here are the details for the services in Cooroy:
Sunday 25 April 2010. ANZAC Day
Dawn Service 5:00 AM Sharp
Get there early as 1400 turned up in 2009
RSL Memorial Park
Diamond Street
Gunfire breakfast
$2.00 Gold Coin donation to go to their welfare program
10:30 March and Parade
Cooroy Butter Factory and Arts Centre
10 Maple Street
Memorial Service after the March and Parade
Cooroy Memorial Hall
Seating for 300. Standing room only for everyone else
Luncheon for sub-branch members
Non-members are welcome to use the bar etc, but the luncheon is strictly for sub-branch members.
I will post up details of some of the other services in the very near future.
Good to see you have researched it Shane. 
It was on our list of things to investigate. I will be up for the Dawn Service ride.
I have organised our own 6 metre flag pole and Aussie flag for the HU Meeting site
More info is coming in by the day, time is moving fast!
 Feb 2014, currently travelling the America's on a Tiger 800XC
Live every day like it's your last, one day you'll get it right!!!