Hi all, back home safe and sound again and I would just like to thank the organizers and helpers for an excellent meeting, the best yet with a stack of things to do.
The vendors certainly added an extra dimension but of course the presentations and break out sessions were the main attraction. I certainly learned some things that will be very useful and I hope I passed on some useful stuff as well, even if it was only entertainment, eh Danielle
I took some photos, so those who could not make it can get some idea of what went on, although these are the ones for public viewing,
An interesting part of the concept was a panel of experts answering questions on the Sunday night, (an EXPERT= X is an unknown quantity and a SPURT is a drip under pressure), this seemed to go down well and was pretty informal and I think it worked quite well. I am looking forward to next years, although I must have missed out on the location of that if it was ever mentioned.