Ok everybody, there are only a few days are left until the 1st HU Switzerland meeting takes place – very exciting! Weather is looking good – warm and sunny, with a little chance of showers and thunderstorms. Close to the mountains it is always difficult to predict. We have over 100 registrations so far, and expect more on-site.
With this email we would like to give you some last information before the meeting:
We have an amazing program with fantastic presenters, and are particularly excited to have Ted Simon with us, who has inspired so many travellers with his books. But of course there is much more to discover. Presentations will cover all aspects of travelling by motorcycle, and all corners of the world!
Check out the detailed schedule here:
There might still be changes, stuff happens, so please make sure to check again at the meeting.
All presentation summaries are also online on the event page:
And there will be one traveller finishing his trip at the HU Meeting, Chris – who will also give a presentation on Friday afternoon. He is on his way, covering the last 1000 kilometres after 4.5 years on the road right now.... Let’s give him a wonderful welcome back in his home country!
Will take place in the barn (“Scheune”) – so we are independent from the weather.
Address: Gerbe, 6344 Meierskappel
The campsite should be easy to find. Check google maps:
We will also put up some signs on the last kilometre.
We will organise a raffle (Tombola). Tickets (1 EUR / CHF) will be sold on Friday afternoon and Saturday in order to raise money for Motorcycle Outreach, an organisation that supports health care in remote villages in Indonesia.
Motorcycle Outreach – healthcare needs delivery
The draw will be on Saturday evening. All revenues from the tombola will go directly to the organisation. We have already some nice prices donated by the exhibitors. If you also want to donate a price for the raffle, please bring it along (please only bring new or unused stuff!), e.g. that pair of new motorcycle gloves that you bought too small, and they are still laying around.... Maybe somebody will be very happy to have them!
Registration opens on Friday after lunch. Camping is reserved but not included in the registration fee. You have to pay camping fees upon arrival at the registration desk, where you will also get your wristband and sticker, and where you can become the owner of one of the beautiful HU Meeting t-shirts.
We will be there already on Thursday, please feel free to join us – but there won’t be any official programme that day. If the registration is closed and nobody is around, just pick a site, and come to the registration desk later.
Lunch will be served by the campsite owners on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Dinner on Friday and Saturday. They will sell local meat and sausages from the grill, salads, and also risotto for the vegetarians (please sign up for risotto at the registration in advance). Breakfast can be ordered on the registration desk on the day before. Two options are available.
Supermarkets are nearby (max. 2 km), and the campsite also has a small shop selling local farm products.
We will accept both Swiss Francs and Euro, but we won’t be able to change money. Not sure about the campsite, and whether they accept Euros. ATM machines are nearby.
Have a safe trip – we are looking forward to seeing you all very soon!

Heike & Filippo