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HU Travellers Meetings - Europe Europe Travellers Meetings - organisation and planning, discussion, getting there etc.
Photo by Brad-Houghton, of Parque Nacional Eduardo Avaroa, Bolivia

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The Stone Tree,
Reserva Nacional de
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Old 4 Sep 2007
Grant Johnson's Avatar
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Talking First annual HUMM "Mountain Madness" Results

The first annual HU Mountain Madness event is now over - and if you weren't there, you'd better plan on being there next year! Why? Because it was fantastic!

Comments ranged from "Best riding day ever" to "Awesome" and "Absolutely amazing!"

Twenty-three hours of riding in the beautiful mountain trails of the Pyrenees, hunting for elusive marker points and bagging mile after mile of fun trails, with fantastic mountain views, left some of the riders in such awe of the place that they spent more time looking at the scenery than they did bagging points!

One team that prioritised scenery over points was Team Avery. Kevin Avery;R1150GS, James Dee;R1200GSA, (who got some quick off-road tips for his first off-road riding ever on the Friday!) and Gordon Sargeant;KTM640 Adventure came in last place with a total of 272 points out of a possible 1085. They were last off the mark both days too, but they were also the "most improved Team" from Saturday to Sunday! There's talk of an Avery award for next year's last place team ;-)

Next up was Team Mitchell, Gary Mitchell;R1200GS, Tony Jeffery;KTM950, Ashley and Deborah Simpkin both on KLE500's, with 539 points. At the end of the second day Debbie was the only one that came up smelling like a rose - she hit the showers while the rest of her team chose to hit the bar.

In 5th place was Team Priest, Kevin Priest;CCM, Sabina Shread (on her brand new Yamaha TT250 AND on her FIRST day of off-road riding - she did VERY well - and was very proud of only falling off twice on the second day, bettering the four times on the first day) and Lee Bolding;Honda XR400. Extra prayers didn't help them to a win, but they did end up with a strong 767 points. They also rode down a particularly gnarly trail that another team struggled to get up - and swore that you'd have to be crazy to go down!

In fourth, Team Marsden, Rupert Marsden;R1100GS, Jeremy Jameson;F650GS, and Mario Agius, on an XT600, with 807 points. Their score may have been higher had Rupert not been riding one handed at speed while filming with his left hand. Next year he's coming back with a helmet cam!

Third place went to Team BJ, Brian Turner;Yamaha XT660R and John Loader;BMW F650GS. Early and very strong leaders at the end of Day One, they demoralised the opposition with a massive points score, well ahead of second place team. However, it seems they cracked under the pressure on day two, navigation skills suffered, and they came in with 970 points.

Second place and the 'machismo (or is it spelled masochism?) award' went to Team Lamsdale, Gary Lamsdale;DR350, and Roger Lamsdale;XT350. Gary rode the whole weekend with a massive toothache that required a trip to the hospital after the finish Sunday night, and a trip to the dentist on Monday morning for emergency work. He said: "It got bad at altitude, so coming down to where it just hurt felt good". They also packed their two bikes into a Kangoo van - absolutely chockers, with both wheels off the whole lot fit just nicely! At 994 points, they thought they were in with a chance for the win, but Team 'Two Ians' shocked everyone.

The "Two Ians" Ian Chappel;R 1200 GSA, and Iain Woolley;Africa Twin had never even met before the event, and live a hundred miles apart. They were teamed up by the organisers, and proved a killer combination - one Ian planned the route for the East half of the map, the other for the west half, and swapped navigation duties on the second day.

Coming in two and a half hours early (!) on Sunday, with Ian on a flat rear tire for the last ten miles, they were asked by Susan if they had a problem, "No, we've done it."
"What do you mean?" questioned Susan.
"We got them all, every point," said Iain.

And so they had - they hit every checkpoint, which layout man Austin Vince swore before the event was impossible - and came in early for a at the bar to show their absolute domination of the event. They also proved the lie in Austin's words that a "proper trailbike" was the best way to ride the event, both riding big bikes to crush the opposition under their wheels.

The Lamsdale's second on 350's also showed that it really didn't matter what you rode - preparation, planning and determination were all key. The top riders all had well-prepared maps, with many ingenious solutions to make it easy and clear to read their route.

When the competitors were asked what they thought of the event, the general sentiment was "We'll be back! I can't believe all the trails and how good they are - it's just amazing! WELL worth the trip down!"

We want to thank Austin Vince and Lois Pryce for their amazing effort in setting up the course and for partnering with us to put on this event.

Pictures and video will be available as soon as possible. Next years event is already in the planning, tentatively July 30 and 31 2008. Confirmation soon!

More details to come! See the HUMM page at Horizons Unlimited Motorcycle Travellers' Website
Grant Johnson
Seek, and ye shall find.

Inspiring, Informing and Connecting travellers since 1997!
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Old 6 Sep 2007
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It was awesome!

Grant - thanks again to yourself, Susan, Austin and Lois - it truely was a great few days of riding.

I'll certainly be back next year. Hopefully I'll also convince Kevin and Sabina to come too, so we can reunite our team.

BTW, I was riding an XR400, not the KTM... changed my mind at the last minute (and missed the electric start and comfier seat of the KTM).

But yeah, that downhill track was crazy. We only continued to think it was possible because Kevin could see tyre tracks... we never considered they were tyre tracks going UP instead of DOWN.

Anyway, I've attached a photo to show it wasn't all serious hard riding

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Old 7 Sep 2007
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I would also like to thank all the organisers, this was the best off road event that I have ever been to.

Also thanks to Lee who was a great team mate who we had only met once before at Lumb Farm, we got on very well especially considering we shared a van and drove the journey from Norwich to Spain in 1 hit. (2000 mile return trip to Norwich)
Sabina and I had so much fun and met some very nice people.
We will be back next year!
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Old 7 Sep 2007
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On behalf of Team BJ, John & I had a fantastic time attempting the HUMM.
The weather was just right, unlike our water-logged trip to Portugal a week earlier!
We were delighted to be front-runners on Saturday, but sadly cocked-up on the navigation on Sunday. This was mainly due to the Freixa ~ Tossal del Puial ~ Gerri de la Sal ridge. It appears on the map to be a straight forward ride along the ridge, yet in reality it was nothing like that. So, congratulations to Team 2 Ians.
Thanks very much to all the organisers, and also all the other competitors for making the event what it was. We will definitely be back for another attempt next year. Cheers.
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Old 8 Sep 2007
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Absolutey fantastic weekend!, I still can't believe what is possible with a 1200GSA!
I was in "Team Avery", we came last, but don't have pitty on us, this was a deliberate decision by our team. We decided that due to our superb competence in map reading (such that they are, we are currently awaiting NATO to contact us for some tips on orienteering) and general excellent off road riding skills, others should be given a chance to shine, which they did!. This was our mission, which was most successful, our work is done!

This was us hard at work!

Many thanks to all
Attached Thumbnails
First annual HUMM "Mountain Madness" Results-dsc00973.jpg  

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Old 8 Sep 2007
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The idea of having a road only class is excellent!, my other half said that she would like that and is very interested, she can ride with a road team and I can go off roading or just lay around, snoozing in the hills!
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Old 8 Sep 2007
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You should have asked the bloke in the car. We did and he told us where to find a very nice bar. A lot better than eating grass or the packed lunch !!! TEAM Mitchell [Clagnuts] also acheived their goal: Eat, Drink and be Merry. Some photos here very soon. A mate will also be putting them on TBM Forum :: View topic - HU Mountain Madness report 07 Just to make them jealous !! Only 1 minor problem, can I have a dinner thats dead or doesn't wink at me ?
Into the great wide open, under the skies of blue. Out in the great wide open, a rebel without a clue. www.itchywheels.co.uk

Last edited by itchywheels; 9 Sep 2007 at 22:32. Reason: Puts the link to the direct page on tbm. not tbm in genaral
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Old 19 Mar 2008
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Hola from Barcelona

Hi there, its Rich here from Yorkshire,

I am really interested in comming to the event this year and meeting everyone!

I have been living in Barcelona for 5 years now and I have been going on rides around Catalunya and its great for Green lane riding.

My Kawi KLE 500 is perfect for the event because its great on the motor ways also - so I can just ride up from BCN. I have been practicing my off road skills a bit but the bike is quite heavy so I think I would like to just come along and enjoy the beauty & not race so much

I am trying to get a team together!!

I would also appriciate a contact email for the organisers for a chat / more understanding.

I look forward to seeing you all there!!

Hasta luego!!

0034 691821231
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Old 21 Apr 2008
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Team wahoooo registered today!!! Wahoooooooo!! coming all the way from Edinburgh and the Algarve!!! Anyone else from Scotland heading down??

Also anyone know about camping?? Best to book?? Good sites?? Cheers Murray
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Old 24 Apr 2008
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Team up anyone?

Greetings from France!

I'm hoping to team up with someone for the HUMM. I haven't even got my bike yet [going back to the UK for it in 2 weeks] AND I've never been off road either. Still I'd like to give it a try! I'll be getting some practice in on the trails out behind the back of my house beforehand and brushing up on my map-reading skills.

So does anyone fancy teaming up with a rookie off-roader from Lancashire? [all though I live in the South of France at the moment] - then drop me a PM - I can't PM anyone yet as I'm too new.

CARDY - how about you? You are close enough for us to meet up before the HUMM for a 'practice' - I'm about 1.5 hours from Perpignan
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Old 1 Jun 2008
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Looking for a team.


I am hoping to ride in the HUMM but need to form / join a team. I am a competent off-road rider and will be on a CCM604. I am also OK with a map.

Since it is our wedding aniversary on the 25th I would have to leave after this on a ferry from Plymouth. This will mean riding down from Roscoff (that'll trash the knobblies). If this fits in with travelling down together that would be good but I am OK to meet up on the way or down there. I am happy to stay in a hotel or camp providing I can squeeze my camping gear on the bike.

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Old 29 Sep 2008
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anyone know if this is going to be run again next year? only found out about it from Lois' column in tbm but am keen to go next year

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Old 12 Oct 2008
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absolutely it's on! Details to be announced VERY soon!

see /humm (link on left) in a day or two.
Grant Johnson
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Inspiring, Informing and Connecting travellers since 1997!
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