Hi everyone,
Thanks for posting up on this thread.
1. It would seem we have quite a few interested in coming this year, and at the moment, we only have one or two who have actually ''registered''. As we can inform those organising the event both off an on the forum through the registration process without having to constantly post up, would those coming please register through the announcement page.
2. Anyone interested in giving a presentation, especially in French, please give details on the registration form.
3. There are some minor details to be changed in the English version of the announcement, but nothing drastic. This will be done as soon as possible by Grant & Susan, who have a huge workload on their hands,and are at present at HUBB U.K. which is where I spotted this on friday:-
Those of you who came last year will recognise Olivier and Zachary's Ural rig.
They are on the last leg now of a 1 year European tour which has taken them as far south on mainland europe as possible and all the way up to NordCap. Unfortunately they won't be able to come to St Amans this year, but have expressed keen interest in putting a presentation together for next year. Distance covered so far about 28000 kilometers, with no problems.
-''It is better to walk alone than with a crowd going in the wrong direction''. ( Herman Siu)
-'' Live life then give life '' (