Best route from Sask for the Nakusp meetup?
I'll be coming from Cabri Sk, I'm a long time lurker on ADVRider and occasionally over here, saw a post about the meetup a week ago, quit my job here and I'll be on my way as of Wednesday  This will be a small budget trip for me, so I'm trying to avoid camping in anywhere I need to pay.
I don't have a very powerful or reliable bike, a 76 GS400 I got for 700$, with questionable brakes, a rapidly disintegrating seat pan and exhaust, and a scary noise from the engine above 7k RPM, and a healthy thirst for oil.
I'm trying to decide which would be the nicest route Highway 1 through Banff and then south on Nakusp highway, or the southern route(little bit on Hwy 1 then a lot on Hwy 3)
I'll be doing it split over two days, wed/Thursday, I'm ok with rough camping, I'll have a tarp and a blanket in my bag. I'm comfortable scrambling up onto hills etc beside the road with the bike so I don't need a designated camping area or anything like that.