Getting there - Nelson B.C. - from Pacific Coast
Previously on this site, I saw some suggested routes to get to Nelson B.C. from the Pacific coast of the U.S. directing one to cross the border into Canada and taking Canadian highway's over.
However, if you were planning on getting up to Washington state and crossing over, I'd suggest Washington S.R. 20 which parallels the border (takes one through North Cascades National Park) which, due to its location, carries less traffic than the Canadian highways. The couple Canadian routes are major east/west highways (they have so few, especially with the mountainous terrain).
Also, gas in the U.S. is cheaper than in Canada (prior to 2005 anyway - has to do with the taxes, not the price of oil), so anyone cutting up to Nelson from the U.S. over near the Washington/Idaho border should fill up before crossing.
Seattle, Washington USA
Chiang Mai, Thailand