CHANTIL and TRAVIS GILL attended HU California 2015 where they were inspired to travel sooner than later. Since then, they've ridden most through Europe and a bit of north Africa over the past 3.5 years of full-time motorcycle overlanding. They share their adventures via UPSHIFT magazine and viajarMOTO,
photo by Steve Anderson
MARIA SCHUMACHER with new friends!
In 2012
MARIA SCHUMACHER and her partner made a plan to travel the world by motorcycle. Since then they lead a life interrupted by travel. Or is it the other way around? Having ridden around Europe, Eurasia, India and Australia, they are now on a journey from Canada to Argentina.
photo by Steve Anderson

The Rok Straps booth was busy all weekend!
photo by Steve Anderson

Rene Cormier (
Renedian.com) on the pros and cons of tours.
photo by Steve Anderson

Francis Walsh entertained us with tales of Rwanda AND Mexico - and his addiction!
photo by Steve Anderson

Renedian.com booth at a quiet moment
photo by Steve Anderson

Adam Lund on preparing your medical kit for the road
photo by Mike Taylor

Susan, probably "4 easy steps to adventure travel" - but it might be "How it all began - the story of our RTW trip and the beginning of Horizons Unlimited"
photo by Mike Taylor

Outback Motortek booth where you could ask questions and see some of the latest goodies. There was more inside!
photo by Mike Taylor
Enduro Park Canada trainer demoing the technique
photo by Maria Schumacher

Learning how to pick up a bike, with
Enduro Park Canada
photo by Maria Schumacher

Yess! LEARNED how to pick up a bike, with
Enduro Park Canada
photo by Mike Taylor

Intent participants in the Mini-HUMM get the scoop on how to bag the points from Grant.
photo by Mike Taylor

Grant holding forth on something for the Min-HUMMers, maybe telling them there's a LOT of ground out there to cover?
photo by Steve Anderson

photo by Maria Schumacher

Focused on map reading and planning at the Mini-HUMM briefing session!
photo by Maria Schumacher

Prepping for the mini-HUMM - now where is that point? Grant swears it's on the map. Is this the right map?
photo by Maria Schumacher

See how little pressure Grant is using on the levers - not much! Tire changing is all about technique.
photo by Maria Schumacher

Grant and Susan
photo by Maria Schumacher
Kove Canada took loads of people out for demo rides on the Kove 450 that's got everyone excited.
photo by Maria Schumacher

photo by Maria Schumacher

Coolest rig there!
photo by Maria Schumacher

Mike Taylor posting up the presenters listing continues on the next wall over! Your biggest problem - working out YOUR schedule so you don't miss out!
photo by Steve Anderson

Grant sleeps while Susan takes over!
photo by Steve Anderson

What to do when... Micko (Australia by way of South Africa) was VERY entertaining, with loads of gold nuggets in his talks.
photo by Steve Anderson

Rene Cormier, (
Renedian.com - Adventure Motorcycle Tours) talking about what he learned on the University of Gravel Roads.
photo by Steve Anderson

Carrie and Glen Cullen having a discussion?!
photo by Steve Anderson
Lorry and Kelli Gombos of
Outback Motortek entertained with stories of their ride across central Asia, their kids had a family day at the lake, and listening to daddy droning on...

photo by Steve Anderson

photo by Steve Anderson