Fit a braw weekend we hud at thon Haggs Bank Bunkhoose place doon in thon Englandshire.
Fit richt fine fouk Ah met, it wiz richt grand to hae a blether wi abudy.
Am richt glad the Mrs didnae let oan that am a snorer cos Ah couldnae hae pit up wie thon midgies, Ah thocht they wiz bad up in the North, but the wee blighters were even worse doon here am gonna hae to get masel some oh thon richt fine smelly stuff fae Avon afore I heed doon again.
The Mrs was richt chuffed that there wiz a bonfire, an am richt glad she didna set onything on fire as she’s awfy fond of a pokey stick ye ken.
Thon auld bikes on yon hill climb wis just fair braw ye ken, A wid like tae think that Ah could dae that but Ah ken ma limitations, an am stickin tae the tarmac for ma bikin.
A fair enjoyed the wee daunder we ah did doon thon leed mine, it was richt fasinatin an Ah was even mair chuffed that Ah managed tae get masell along thon wee tunnel things.
All joking aside Danny what a great time we had it was a fantastic weekend, already looking forward to 2014 when we get to visit again. There is nothing I can add to the already glowing reports on the facilities.
I am booking holidays from work to coincide with the Beamish Rally next year the web page says it’s the 3rd Sunday in September which would be the 21st fingers crossed that’s right and we get another great weekend at Haggs Bank.
Only dead fish go with the flow