Hi All,
Got my helping out hat on here. Subject is volunteers for the Meet.
With around 650 people coming to the Meet at Lumb Farm we need a fair bit of help to make everything run smoothly over the 4 days. I'm looking for around 100 people...
We are only 3 months away now and I'm short of help, so, if you haven't booked yet and are up for helping out for 2-4 hours over the 4 days, can you sign up to help out. You'll see where when you register.
If you've already registered but would like to give a hand, and didn't sign up, could you go back in and fill the boxes in - painless I promise : )
See this link to volunteer if you've already registered:
There are all sorts of things to be done and most don't need you to have been to the Ripley Meet before - always helps though
I still need help with the following roles:
Set up Crew - from 10am ish on the Wednesday - marquees, recycling, laying out chairs, driveways across the fields etc. Fun day.
Gate Crew - usually a couple of hours, but if you can do 2 stints of 2 hours, that's great. It's a vital role. Make people welcome as soon as they arrive and the mood for the Meet is set.
Digi Tech - need to really know your way around lap tops, digi projectors, power point presentations and the like. Iain Harper heads up this team and he'll have a chat with anyone who is up to help out with this.
Registration - It helps if you've been to a Meet with this role and we'd be asking you to do 2 x 4 hour shifts as there's a bit to learn - no rocket science though!
First Aid - you'll need to be a doctor, nurse or qualified First Aider for this job. You'll be on call so can mostly bounce around doing a bit of anything.
Recycling - We all know better than to do anything other than recycle. Grant and Susan are shelling out a not insignificant amount of money for recycling skips this year. Your help will be needed to keep that under control. If we get it wrong, the suppliers triple their charges. Yuk.

It's not a grim job at all as the vast majority of HUers are brilliant at using the right bins. Just got to watch out for the occasional numpty.
Clean Up Crew - We try to leave Lumb Farm in a better state than when we got there - that's one of the reasons we keep getting invited back. The job is basically dismantling everything we put up, stacking chairs, taking down publicity, making sure no tent pegs are left in the camping areas and so on. Nice way to end the Meet. You'll probably be needed until around 3 pm on the Sunday afternoon. Great if you live locally.
And finally,
Raffle Crew. We always try to raise money for Motorcycle Outreach. It's a great charity. I'm looking for people who would be up for doing a few hours selling raffle tickets. Nice job as most people want to buy some and just need to be asked.
All of the jobs are a terrific way to meet people so, if you haven't been before, one of the above will be great. There's always a good atmosphere amongst the volunteers too.
OK : ) Enough rattle from me. Hope you can help out.
