
24 Jun 2018
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HUBB UK 2019 - June 13-16 at Baskerville Hall
HUBB UK is back from June 13-16, 2019 in our great location - Baskerville Hall Hotel, on the edge of the Brecon Beacons and Black Mountain National Park!
"The best location to date, actually getting there was a pleasure itself."
"From the first to the last presenters it was informative, fun & motivating. So many different ways to see the world, from very different experiences & perspective. Something for everyone you could not fail to be inspired. Great Venue... amazing team that kept everything running smoothly. The people who attended so positive & ready to plan their future trips. Our first HUBB UK I am certain will not be our last."
Registration opens soon with early bird rates! Mark your calendar, and see the HUBB UK trailer for a taster! https://youtu.be/_ihrJLGcoQc

23 Sep 2018
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Dogs at HUBB
I always travel with my Jack Russell (MONTY ) in my sidecar. Will he be allowed at HUBB UK 2019. He has been at many events for the last 6 years with no problems.
Thanks in advance RON and MONTY

23 Sep 2018
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Originally Posted by Ron and rocket
I always travel with my Jack Russell (MONTY ) in my sidecar. Will he be allowed at HUBB UK 2019. He has been at many events for the last 6 years with no problems.
Thanks in advance RON and MONTY
Ron, as it says on the HUBB UK event page, well behaved dogs are welcome!
If you'd like to bring your dog along to the event we'll have a special area set aside for you to camp in. You'll need to ensure your pet remains on a lead at all times and doesn't damage or foul the site (or pee on someone else's tent!) Owners of noisy or aggressive dogs may be asked to leave.
That does mean no barking, not peeing on someone's tent as happened last year, not disrupting speakers etc. and of course on leash at all times. We like dogs, but everyone's enjoyment of the event comes first, so we have to be strict.
Grant Johnson
Seek, and ye shall find.
Inspiring, Informing and Connecting travellers since 1997!

10 Nov 2018
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Hub uk camping
Hi, HUB UK will be our first meet, just registered and paid for the weekend and selected camping, how does it work with the camping, just turn up and find a pitch or are you allocated in advance?
Cheers Ian.

11 Nov 2018
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Originally Posted by Stromin
Hi, HUB UK will be our first meet, just registered and paid for the weekend and selected camping, how does it work with the camping, just turn up and find a pitch or are you allocated in advance?
Cheers Ian.
Welcome! We're very flexible, and have LOADS of room to camp - just show up, and find a spot you like, you'll have all sorts of choices, from the quiet area to the dogs area to right next to the campfire, out int he sun or under some trees, up to you.
see you there!
Grant Johnson
Seek, and ye shall find.
Inspiring, Informing and Connecting travellers since 1997!

27 Mar 2019
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Well 78 days to go the work Gods have looked down on me and granted the week off so i am in.
Will speak to the village elders for good weather all week and there is no need to show Hubbers our special wet sunshine.  
Looking forward to the putting up the registration tent then take it down as an engineering error has been spotted by Grant then have to down tools to let Gareth Jones ride his Harley Davidson through said tent  .

28 Mar 2019
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Dave, great to hear you'll be there, thanks for your help! Shall we try to replicate the procedure? Well maybe the ride through on a Harley...
See you there!
Grant Johnson
Seek, and ye shall find.
Inspiring, Informing and Connecting travellers since 1997!

28 Mar 2019
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Will try and keep the oil in the bike this year! see you all soon, same time same place.

2 Apr 2019
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Who & What's on update Hubb UK 2019 more to follow
Simon Jarrett
Presenting Fifteen years as a sardine - my life in a tin can
Small is beautiful, affordable and sustainable and after almost 15 years in a T4 camper I hope to show that a small house with a big garden is a rewarding way to experience the world.
Dan Godzisz
Presenting Iceland just enough clothing food & shelter without the kitchen sink.
Terry & Isabelle porter
Presenting Flat Tyres, crashes, broken bones a Bolivian surgery & the Patagonian winds 14 months around South America!
Pedro Fernandes
Presenting Deported from Australia, left Portugal rode through Asia to Europe
John & Lucy
Presenting 2 up New Zealand to the UK the long way back what worked, what didn't work and what would I do differently...plus info on Carnet de passage, shipping, Border crossings, Fuel accessibility. accommodation, Our kit, the Bike and an overview of our recent adventure including the overall cost of the trip.
Gavin Seiler
GPS Workshop
Bison Bushcraft
How to use your knife safely as a tool on your adventures in the wilderness.& HOW TO CONSTRUCT A BUCKSAW. Carrying with you a bucksaw blade and a few pins, we will show you how to construct a large frame saw to process firewood from branches enabling you prepare large firewood whilst only packing the minimal kit.
Gav Bowen
Presenting 15,000 miles around India with a £300 Jeep
Pat & Pete Etheridge
Presenting On the Road to Nepal
72 going on 40 Pete & Pat traveled overland in 1976 to India & back in an old VW camper, (18 Months on the road) Have traveled ever since, on 2 legs, & 2 & 4 wheels, and have recently spent a year traveling around India in an old Landcruiser.
Ian & Christabel Harper
Presenting Riding slowly to retirement Alaska to Argentina.
Husband and wife team Ian and Christabel Harper ride slowly into retirement by taking an epic journey from Alaska to Argentina in July 2018 on a Honda CB500X Rally Raid & a Royal Enfield Himalayan. The pair share their preparations for the trip from downsizing their house to choosing which bikes to take and all the other practical stuff that needs to be done to set you on your way.
TRF Hereford
will be at HUBB UK 2019 taking ride out's around the lovely scenery of Baskerville Hall.
Lee Walters Off road Training School
Lot's more awesome presentations to follow & new presenters also find out more on the facebook page HUBB UK 2019

5 Apr 2019
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Wow more amazing presenter adding to the HUBBUK 2019 list!
More presenters to the already amazing line up for HUBB UK 2019
Matt Bishop and Reece Gilkes
Matt and Reece are a year in to the first ever circumnavigation of the globe on a scooter with a sidecar. With no knowledge of motorcycles before they started the project, the pair have now travelled through 28 countries and 26,000 miles on their ridiculous vehicle. Now, all that stands in their way of completing their goal is a scooting through a Siberian winter
Colin & Dee Masters
Senior world travellers including RTW.
Beginners prep & planning for that first big trip. All the 'things' you probably have not considered.
David Hawkins
Do you really need all that gear? My experience racing across Europe on a bicycle with just a backpack's worth of gear.
In 17 days last summer, I completed an unsupported 4,000km cycling race from Belgium to Greece. I carried only 25L worth of stuff, including my camping gear. And it was still more than I needed! I want to talk with you about bikepacking, "7 Days" croissants, and about packing light for any adventure.
Ferdinand Pick & Fern Hume
The Grand Idea- RTW 2 weeks at a time
The Grand Idea- Low budget, short fly ride adventures as an alternative to mammoth RTW trips- Featuring Thailand, Morocco, and Peru.
Steven Bury
The joys and pitfalls of riding in China. How I overcame the barriers to entry.
What is it like to ride in China? The roads, the way you are treated, etc etc. My experiences of long solo and group moto trips in mainland China. These include 1800 on a 250cc Chinese dirt bike along China's Western coastline from Beijing to Shanghai. Short trips around Shanghai to sacred mountain ranges and peaceful ex-colonial tea plantations. I'd also love to share my recent solo trip to the Tibetan Plateau. Five weeks alone with altitudes of up to 5050m. Snow, yaks, vultures and a lot of friendly Tibetans. I'd also like to share how I rode with a Chinese company too, long haul testing their new bikes. This was great, riding tropical Southern China with a group of ten Chinese riders on Zongshen RX3s and RX4- before the bikes were released to market. I'd love to float my ideas with an audience of starting guided tours in Sichuan province and Qinghai Province in future by motorcycle. I have videos, pictures, and slides to accompany as I usually take a GoPro along on my trips. I'll explain my beginnings in China-moto travel. I can help with resources. I will probably be able to point people in the direction of groups who can help them. I may in the future be able to help others have the kind of adventures by motorcycle that I've had.
Gareth Jones
Many years of motorcycle travel . Still so much more to see!
Riding a classic (unsuitable !) bike around Southern Africa & A 6 month solo jaunt around Southern Africa on a 1951 Harley Davidson Adventure Bike
Oliver Neece
Bodge Tape Adventures: Road to Anywhere!
We’ve been on some amazing adventures armed with a rough plan, a camera and a social media account. If we can do it then anyone can!
Bodge Tape Adventures: Packing Light.
How not to travel with the kitchen sink.
Lot's more presenters & what's on to follow

1 May 2019
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Even more presenters & workshops to add to the list!
Louisa Swaden
The journey of my life, is my life
Did you ever feel that you just don't fit in the life you have right now and that you were born to have adventures? Is that feeling ever present and burning you inside like a fever? Yep.. that was me, and it took a doctor to tell me that if I didn't do something about it, I would get very ill indeed. I need that wake up call. I got out of the rat race. I went on adventures across Europe and into Africa. I became an Ambassador for the Women Rider's World Relay. I gave back where I could to bike charities. I started writing and the Existential Biker was born, a way for me to express my joy of travel but also to encourage others to take that leap into the unknown, because your time is precious and it is limited. So my story is not all about where I’ve been but how I got here, to be standing in front of you, telling you that in a couple of months I will be on the salt flats in Bonneville, as a pilot in a race team, taking part in a world speed record attempt, with zero experience of racing and after only three years in the saddle. I'm extraordinarily ordinary. But exciting things keep happening to me. Because I keep saying 'Yes'.
Tiff Coates
A solo biking adventure in one of the last great jungles
Borneo is little known and yet is the world's third largest island; it conjures up images of stunning beaches, equatorial jungle and exotic wildlife including proboscis monkeys, pygmy elephants and the incredible orangutans. Dig a bit deeper and there are tales of head-hunters and remote tribes - who wouldn't want to go?! This is the story of one woman's solo two month motorcycle journey around this fascinating island.
Personal Safety for Women Travellers
Feeling uncertain about your safety and security while on a journey? You’re not alone, this class led by one of the world’s foremost female adventurers will teach you how to keep yourself safe and feel more confident as a traveller whether you choose to travel solo, with a partner or in a group. From wild camping in an ice-covered tent in Siberia, encounters with bushmen in Ethiopia, or unexpectedly sharing a bed with Chinese truckers, Tiffany’s anecdotes and real-life scenarios enliven the session. Tips, advice, physical techniques and common sense prevail in this fun yet informative hands on class. Attendance is for women only!
David Lee
Searching for the true Ho Chi Minh Trail in Laos Cambodia and Vietnam
Between 1955 and 1975 the Ho Chi Minh Trail was used by the North Vietnamese Army to transport supplies, troops and munitions from north to south Vietnam and Dave has been trying to discover abandoned sections of the trail. Listen to Dave’s account of how he took his 250cc motorcycle and unearthed more than he bargained for as the forgotten trail got the better of him.
Duncan Gough
When, how and where to go in Iberia to get a great adventure.
A personal and practical guide to the richness of travelling in Iberia. Written from the experiences of the Author on many journeys through the country. Duncan particularly enjoys exploring the back roads, small villages and towns that are off the main tourist routes. However, a number of world-renowned and World Heritage sites like the Alhambra in Granada feature with tips on making the most of it. He has travelled mainly on a large Italian motorcycle (Moto Guzzi) but the experiences, places and way of travelling are applicable to most forms of transport. With images from his books which have many hand-drawn maps to indicate places to fit into your own journey – viaje. With sketches and photographs to excite your interest and give you a flavour of the rich experiences that can be found in this wonderful country. For your safety, he also deals with some of the legal requirements for driving/riding in Spain and road junctions that may be unfamiliar and potentially dangerous.
Philip Corcos
A pensioner's travels, solo and unsupported, from Alaska to Argentina.
His name was YellaFella and he was a fifteen year old Suzuki DRZ 400 which cost less than £2000 on eBay. YellaFella was my constant companion on a six month, 20,000 mile unsupported journey from Tuktoyaktuk in the Canadian arctic circle, to Ushuaia in southern Argentina. A shoe-string budget, limited equipment, and solo travel as much as possible off the beaten track were my expedition criteria before I left the UK last June. By the time I returned in December, I had overspent, realised I had taken far too much luggage, and travelled mostly on tarmac, occasionally with other riders. Did I admit to failure? Yes in some ways, but the bike held up, the 'people and places' experiences I had en route left a smile on my face for months, and my curiosity and appetite for further long distance solo travel remains undimmed. I'll do it differently next time. I have decided to celebrate my 70th birthday next year with an overland ride to Australia; any other pensioner-adventurers out there interested in joining me?
Geoff Grimmett
Thailand, a great country for an adventure, it’s got history, great food, great people, really great roads and elephants.
This year, friends Geoff & Martin decided it was time to have a biking adventure together. Thailand was destination that was decided upon and flights were booked to Bangkok, bike hire was arranged via the internet and we bought a map. In March 2019 to get away from Brexit we flew to Bangkok, it was hot, sweaty and very busy. After finally getting to the hire shop we got our steeds, two Honda CB300f motorcycles. Two bikes we grew to love over the next two weeks. At the hotel we made a plan and a check list. The plan….ride north to Chang Mai. The check list…you’ll have to come and see the presentation for that. So for two weeks we rode around the country covering approximately 2000kms. We saw Chang Mai in the North, looked into Burma, went to The River Kwai and we had the most amazing experience with some elephants. Thailand is a great country where you can have a fantastic adventure. So if you want to know about our journey, the costs, the bikes and how lived and everything else then come and see us at the HUBB.
Martin Heseltine
A low budget coastal ride around Australia's Route #1 with detours.[/B]
I was already living in Eastern Australia and wanted to bike it around the coast. Motorcycle choices were limited but when a Yamaha XT600 Tenere came up I went and got it. I welded up a rack with side pannier frames and a bit of a screen, picked up a second hand Gearsack and soft panniers, got a square of sheepskin for the seat picked up a 2 man tent with 'the latest' fibreglass poles and a small gaz stove. Tools were the bikes own kit plus Allen keys, puncture kit, new inner-tube, tyre levers,and hand pump. Starting near Canberra I headed for Sydney to ride anti-clockwise around the coast. Highlights were completing a 6 day off-road up and back of the Cape York peninsular which included fording rivers (with crocodiles), riding through bush fires and crossing primitive log bridges. Other highlights were meeting and travelling with others, sleeping out under the stars in the middle of nowhere and the pure pleasure of just so much space. The Nullarbour plain was striking for having the longest perfectly straight road of the day at 150kms and was only tarmacked in 1976. I managed to locate the entrance to the Nullarbour caves (unmarked) with were also the world's longest underwater caves. I started and ended at Sydney Opera House. This was one of the most memorable times of my life.

15 May 2019
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I've heard there's good tree space for hammock camping - can anyone confirm? I've had a DD Hammock setup for a while now and haven't had the chance to put it to use and thought this would be a good opportunity.

15 May 2019
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I've asked one of our presenters to get back to you on this as he always talks on hammocking at the HU event, so he should. Keno the right answer!
See you. June

16 May 2019
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Excellent Hammocking facilities!
Hi all,
There's a little copse of trees opposite the camping field where I setup last year, after checking with our hosts that it was ok to do so. I also run the demos from there too.
Last year there were 4 hammocks in total but there's room for more. (Assuming there hasn't been a mass logging over the winter!!).
Kraggem (& anyone else) definitely bring your new gear, we'll help you set it up for a good night's sleep.

17 May 2019
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Originally Posted by wasman
Hi all,
There's a little copse of trees opposite the camping field where I setup last year, after checking with our hosts that it was ok to do so. I also run the demos from there too.
Last year there were 4 hammocks in total but there's room for more. (Assuming there hasn't been a mass logging over the winter!!).
Kraggem (& anyone else) definitely bring your new gear, we'll help you set it up for a good night's sleep.
Great, thanks. Sounds like a plan!
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Check the RAW segments; Grant, your HU host is on every month!
Episodes below to listen to while you, err, pretend to do something or other...
2020 Edition of Chris Scott's Adventure Motorcycling Handbook.
"Ultimate global guide for red-blooded bikers planning overseas exploration. Covers choice & preparation of best bike, shipping overseas, baggage design, riding techniques, travel health, visas, documentation, safety and useful addresses." Recommended. (Grant)

Led by special operations veterans, Stanford Medicine affiliated physicians, paramedics and other travel experts, Ripcord is perfect for adventure seekers, climbers, skiers, sports enthusiasts, hunters, international travelers, humanitarian efforts, expeditions and more.
Ripcord Rescue Travel Insurance™ combines into a single integrated program the best evacuation and rescue with the premier travel insurance coverages designed for adventurers and travel is covered on motorcycles of all sizes.
(ONLY US RESIDENTS and currently has a limit of 60 days.)
Ripcord Evacuation Insurance is available for ALL nationalities.
What others say about HU...
"This site is the BIBLE for international bike travelers." Greg, Australia
"Thank you! The web site, The travels, The insight, The inspiration, Everything, just thanks." Colin, UK
"My friend and I are planning a trip from Singapore to England... We found (the HU) site invaluable as an aid to planning and have based a lot of our purchases (bikes, riding gear, etc.) on what we have learned from this site." Phil, Australia
"I for one always had an adventurous spirit, but you and Susan lit the fire for my trip and I'll be forever grateful for what you two do to inspire others to just do it." Brent, USA
"Your website is a mecca of valuable information and the (video) series is informative, entertaining, and inspiring!" Jennifer, Canada
"Your worldwide organisation and events are the Go To places to for all serious touring and aspiring touring bikers." Trevor, South Africa
"This is the answer to all my questions." Haydn, Australia
"Keep going the excellent work you are doing for Horizons Unlimited - I love it!" Thomas, Germany
Lots more comments here!

Every book a diary
Every chapter a day
Every day a journey
Refreshingly honest and compelling tales: the hights and lows of a life on the road. Solo, unsupported, budget journeys of discovery.
Authentic, engaging and evocative travel memoirs, overland, around the world and through life.
All 8 books available from the author or as eBooks and audio books
Back Road Map Books and Backroad GPS Maps for all of Canada - a must have!
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Horizons Unlimited was founded in 1997 by Grant and Susan Johnson following their journey around the world on a BMW R80G/S.
Read more about Grant & Susan's story
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Horizons Unlimited is not a big multi-national company, just two people who love motorcycle travel and have grown what started as a hobby in 1997 into a full time job (usually 8-10 hours per day and 7 days a week) and a labour of love. To keep it going and a roof over our heads, we run events all over the world with the help of volunteers; we sell inspirational and informative DVDs; we have a few selected advertisers; and we make a small amount from memberships.
You don't have to be a Member to come to an HU meeting, access the website, or ask questions on the HUBB. What you get for your membership contribution is our sincere gratitude, good karma and knowing that you're helping to keep the motorcycle travel dream alive. Contributing Members and Gold Members do get additional features on the HUBB. Here's a list of all the Member benefits on the HUBB.